Admission Types Fees
Single Admission $15.00
After Work Special $12.00
Police/Military/Corrections $10.00
NACOP/AFP & CC Members $10.00
Second shooter on same lane $11.00
Gun Rental $8.00 1st gun
$4.00 per subsequent gun
Eye Protection $1.00
Ear Protection $1.00
Ammunition and targets are available for purchase.
Annual Memberships 1st Year Renewal
Individual $200 $180
Wife & Husband $250 $225
Family - 3 $375 $337.50
Family - 4 $450 $405
Senior Citizen $180 $162
Senior Citizen - spouses $230 $207
Corporate $1,260 $1,134
Police/Military/Corrections $180 $162
NACOP/AFP&CC $160 $144
Snowbird Special (6 months) $!20 N/A
Memberships provide for unlimited range visits
NOTES: Memberships are not transferrable. Family Membership is for three (3) or four (4) shooters per family. Senior Citizen applies to ages 60 and up. Corporate Membership is for seven (7) shooters, additional shooters are $180 per shooter Police/Military/Corrections admission or membership provides a 25% discount on all range use rental items. Current active duty ID required. NACOP/AFP&CC admission or membership is for current members of either organization and use of eye and ear protection are free. Call to reserve an entire bay.
*All Prices Are Subject To Change*